Dnevnik: Zdrav duh v virtualnem telesu

An article featuring our very own players and staff was published in the newspaper Dnevnik (year LXXIV, no. 97, 1. edition). Current and past members of Diamant Esports gave statements regarding esports and our organization.

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E-šport je več kot le igranje

In cooperation with Srednja poklicna in tehniška šola Murska Sobota, our very own Nejc Mis and Nuša Klepec had a lecture about Diamant Esports and physical and mental aspect of the professional gaming.

Diamant Esports v Beograd na popravni izpit

Slovenian magazine Računalniške novice publishes an article about Diamant Esports attending Sigma Cup 2023 finals in Belgrade. Read here.


Short documentary film A VALORANT STORY by Diamant Esports, which delves in the story of our VALORANT division, was published in October 2023.  Documentary was also broadcasted on SportKlub Esports TV channel. Watch here.

Profesionalno igranje videoiger - RTV Panorama

Our members Nejc Mis, Nuša Klepec and Bor “Kektz” Jeršan talk about esports and professional gaming for the TV show Panorama, hosted on Slovenian national TV station RTV SLO 2. Watch here.

Igričarski in e-športni turnir v Mariboru - Val 202

Our Esports director Tomo Pejanović Nosaka gave his opinion about esports and an insight into Diamant Esports for a radio program Aktualno 202 on Slovenian radio channel Val 202. Listen here.


Okrogla miza Izzivi vodenja e-športne ekipe v 2023 na EPICENTER 22

Our Esports director Tomo Pejanović Nosaka was invited to participate on a panel at EPICENTER 22 main stage, discussing about the challenges of running an esports team in 2023. Watch here.

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Diamant Esports postali prvaki Balkana

After our League of Legends team won EBL 2023 Summer Split, becoming the first Slovenian organization to do so, many Slovenian news portals wrote about our achievement, including, EŠZS and Računalniške novice.

SloAnime podcast

V ligi Davidov skrita legende gojita pastirja e-športa | Gaiden Podcast #8

Our League of Legends captain Bor “Kektz” Jeršan was a guest on Gaiden Podcast, hosted by the Slovenian community SloAnime. Watch here.

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E-športna psihologinja o profesionalnem igranju videoiger in pasteh, ki jih lahko prinese

Metropolitan published an in-depth article with our very own performance coach and esports psychologist Nuša “PlagueRat” Klepec. They talk about what esport is, what it means for the players, and Diamant Esports. Read here.

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T-2 in e-šport: Igričarstvo je posel

Slovenian weekly financial newspaper Finance published an article about Diamant Esports and its partner T-2 on 23.6.2023. The most known Slovenian business magazine wrote about esports and the success of Diamant Esports.


Od gaminga do e-športa v Sloveniji: To niso igrice, to je enostavno posel!

Diamant Esports presented as a esport project by T-2 on the biggest marketing conference in Slovenia, SOF. The event took place on 14th of June 2023 in Avditorij Portorož. Read the introduction here.

Wojtuś: Po finale Ultraligi z Z10 straciliśmy trochę zapał

Polish esports news portal published a video interview with our very our League of Legends support player Wojciech “Wojtuś” Świder. Watch on Cybersport.

Tednik: Videoigre na olimpijado?

Weekly show Tednik that airs on national tv station asked Nejc Mis, Nuša Klepec and Bor “Kektz” Jeršan about esports. Watch on RTV.

Ta skrivnostna bitja gejmerji pri Katji

The well known Slovenian podcast Rožnata Dolina by Katja Stojnić on Val 202 hosted our very own Nejc Mis and Nuša Klepec, where they talked about what esports really is. Listen on spotify.

Diamant Esports na Na meji nevidnega 2023

Diamant Esports hosted a talk panel about physical and psychological preparation in esports with Nejc Mis, Nuša Klepec, Tomo Pejanović Nosaka and Bor “Kektz” Jeršan on the main stage at convention Na meji nevidnega 2023 in Ljubljana. Diamant Esports also had a booth at the event, where fans talked and met with Kektz, Nuša and others.

Ekipa Diamant Esports najboljša v Ljubljani in druga v Beogradu

Slovenian media outlet 24ur posted an article about Diamant Esports as they win Game Gang Show 2023 and finishes EBL 2023 Spring Split on the second place. Read here.

Diamant Esports at Game Gang Show - aftermovie

Diamant Esports publish an aftermovie from Game Gang Show 2023. Watch here.

Pogovor: Psihološka priprava e-športnikov na igro in toksičnost v e-športu

Diamant Esports members Nuša Klepec, Nejc Mis and Tomo Pejanović Nosaka were invited to participate in a discussion panel at the biggest gaming festival in Slovenia, Game Gang Show, in April 2023.

Psihološka Priprava Ešportnika - Ešportna Psihologinja Nuša Klepec

In collaboration with Triglav, Diamant Esports publish a short video about psychology in esports. Watch here.

Diamant savladao Cyber Wolves 3-2 za plasman u EBL finale!

Serbian Sportklub writes an article about the legendary battle of two Slovenian organizations as they fought for the spot in EBL 2023 Spring Split finals. Read here.

Diamant savladao Cyber Wolves 3-2 za plasman u EBL finale!

Fortuna Esports publish a documentary about Djordje “Shy Carry” Stišović. Watch here.

Diamant Esports na vrhu EBL-a

Croatian webpage Esport Adria publishes an article as the regular season of EBL 2023 Spring Split end with Diamant Esports on top of the standings. Read here.

EBL: Diamant osigurao prvo mesto i plasman na EMEA Masters

As Diamant Esports secured the first place in the regular season of EBL 2023 Spring Split, Serbian Sportklub news portal writes an article about our team. Read here.

To so Slovenci v svetu e-športa

Slovenian newspaper Slovenske novice writes about Diamant Esports before the EBL playoffs begin. Diamant is mentioned as the leading e-sports organization in the country. Read here.

Diamanti dobili slovenski derbi in svetovne prvake

Slovenian magazine Računalniške novice writes about Diamant Esports winning the Slovenian derby and beating world champions. Read here.

Eno leto Diamantov: pregled dosežkov ene izmed najboljših slovenskih ešportnih organizacij

Slovenian esports and gaming news portal writes an article about Diamant Esports as the organization is celebrating one year of existance. Read here.

Slovenska ekipa Diamant Esports bo otvorila regijsko ligo za igro Valorant

Slovenian magazine Računalniške novice publishes an article as Diamant Esports is about to play the opening match of the regional league. Read here.

Shy Carry ostaje uz Diamant, došla dva velika pojačanja!

Serbian news site Sportklub writes an article as Diamant Esports announces two new players for 2023 season. Read here.

Diamant Esports publish ATHENA'S BETRAYAL

Diamant Esports publish an aftermovie from Athens and Sigma Cup 2022 Final Four. Watch here.

Diamant Esports je u finalu Sigma Kupa!

Serbian Sportklub publishes an article as Diamant Esports qualifies for the finals of Sigma Cup 2022. Read here.

Sport Klub intervju – Diamant Esports pred Sigma Kup finale

Star player Bor “Kektz” Jeršan and Director of Esports Tomo Pejanović Nosaka are interviewed by the Serbian Sportklub. Read here.

Valorant Balkan Showdown 2022 / #Reroot Gaming, Osijek

Serbian TV station TV ARENA ESPORT published a video about the VALORANT tournament in Osijek as Diamant Esports lifts the trophy. Watch here.

Slovenski e-športni el clasico z odločnim zmagovalcem, ki potuje na Sigma Cup 2022

GameGang writes an article as Diamant Esports wins the Slovenian derby and qualifies for the Final Four of Sigma Cup 2022. Read here.

Diamant Esports publish ORANGE DEAD REDEMPTION

Diamant Esports publish a documentary ORANGE DEAD REDEMPTION about League of Legends team, its EBL 2022 Summer Split performance and the upcoming Sigma Cup. Watch here.

Okrogli mizi in pogovor na EPICENTER LAN 21

Diamant Esports members Bor “Kektz” Jeršan, Nejc Mis, Nuša Klepec and Tomo Pejanović Nosaka were invited to participate in discussion panels at the most well know gaming LAN tournaments EPICENTER LAN 21 that took place in August 2022 at Celjski Sejem.

Ekipa Diamant osvojila prvo mesto na BOFX Valorant SDP!

Slovenian magazine Računalniške novice writes about Slovenian national championship in VALORANT, as Diamant Esports defends the title. Read here.

Začne se z igranjem igric, nato preraste v posel #video

Slovenian talk show Jutro na planetu hosted our very own Nejc Mis and Bor “Kektz” Jeršan as they talk esport. Watch here.

Nekaj kratkih z Diamant Esports: Intervju

Slovenian gaming and esports news site publishes a text interview with Gregor Fartek and Nejc Mis. Read here.

Interview with Pavle “pakko” Kostic

Esports Driven, a VALORANT focused news site, makes a video interview with Pavle “pakko” Kostić. Watch here.

Čestitke od gradonačelnika Pule

Mayor of Croatian town of Pula prof. Filip Zoričić sends a formal congratulations to Paolo “bmblbe” Peloza and Diamant Esports as they finish second on VRL 2022 East: Surge Stage 2.

Diamant je druga najbolja VALORANT ekipa u Istočnoj Europi

Croatia gaming and esports portal Esport Adria writes an article as Diamant Esports finishes second on VRL 2022 East: Surge Stage 2. Read here.

Shy Carry: Diamant ima zajednički cilj u koji svi verujemo

Serbian sport and esport news outlet publishes an interview with Djordje “Shy Carry” Stišovič before EBL 2022 Summer Split. Read here.

Intervju z ekipo Diamant Esports

EŠZS publishes an interview with Diamant Esports VALORANT team as they become the national champions of Slovenia. Read here.

Ešportnik naj bo ‒ o razliki med fizičnim in elektronskim športom

Slovenian homepage of Red Bull posts an interview with Gregor Fartek, co-founder and CEO of Diamant Esports, in May 2022. Read here.